
Japan market entry

Tough Japan has not been growing as other developing nations in Asia, you cannot miss the Japan market, considering its market scale, skilled, diligent and diversifying workforces, world-class, significant R&D opportunities, as an ideal testing grounds for your product and service developments to global markets, and its stable business and political conditions.

Thus, a lot of overseas companies have been trying to enter Japan market. However, sizable numbers of these attempts have been failed unfortunately since Japan is a tough market to crack in for non-Japanese companies, even for those with affluent global business experiences and successful in other overseas market. Here are summaries of challenges and solutions to enter Japanese market for non-Japanese companies:

  • Language barriers: you cannot do business in English in Japan since English is not common communication language in Japan. You cannot find right employees, business partners nor suppliers, if you are communicating with only in English
  • Cost competitiveness against Japanese local competitors
  • Relation based business culture

SSI will assist you for developing market entry and penetration strategy, setting up operating functions and executing entry/penetration strategy including developing supplier networks and supply chain partners, as did for our clients with deep knowledge of Japanese market both in BtoB and BtoC, and live network with leading corporations in various industries and corporate services.

Here are examples of our Japan market entry and penetration service cases:

Global SaaS company – Japan local marketing and sales

As Japan local channel partner, SSI has been localizing marketing materials and selling the partner's solutions in Japan.

Leading marketing servicer – Japan local service delivery and supply chain development and management

SSI has been providing marketing spend management services to its clients, developing and managing Japan local suppliers for its services.

Global IT infrastructure hosting and maintenance service company – identifying its service delivery partners

As the client’s local sourcing and procurement function, SSI has undertaken all sourcing and procurement processes including sourcing of its service delivery partners, supplier registration, and performance improvement of partners.

Please contact us, if you have any questions or inquiries on our Japan market entry and penetration services.

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